I'm a former CPA with an MBA who gave up accounting to write about business. With a Bachelor's degree in psychology, I also enjoy writing about mental health, wellness, and spirituality.
What is a bookkeeper and what do they do?
Imagine your business’s financial journey as a complex story.
Who narrates the twists and turns of your economic narrative?
Every story needs a narrator, even the one told by your business’s financials.
Meet the bookkeeper, your indispensable guide through the maze of numbers and ledgers, weaving the intricate details of your business’s financial transactions into a coherent, understandable tale.
A bookkeeper’s role, often underestimated, is crucial in the grand scheme of your business’s succ...
Breathing Exercises to Improve Mindfulness and Reduce Stress
Three types of breathing to help reduce stress and anxiety.
ERC Withdrawal and ERC Voluntary Disclosure: What You Need to Know
The introduction of the IRS ERC moratorium has brought significant changes to the landscape of employee retention tax credits, affecting how businesses approach and handle their claims. In response to the growing backlog of unprocessed Form 941-X reports, the IRS has recently launched the ERC Withdrawal Program and ERC Voluntary Disclosure Program. Here's what businesses need to know...
The Entrepreneurial Author: Developing a Business Mindset for Writing Success
Hey there, fellow word witches! I'm guessing if you're reading this, you're either already part of the magnificent world of writing, or you're contemplating stepping into it. Now, when we picture an author, we often imagine a solitary figure hunched over a typewriter, lost in a world of their own creation. But times are changing, and today's successful authors are not just creators, but entrepreneurs in their own right.
So, what does it mean to have an entrepreneurial mindset?
Think innovatio...
Dividends or Wages: Which is Better?
Did you know the tax treatment of dividends and shareholder wages differs? In Canada, dividends are considered investment income, whereas wages are employment income and subject to payroll taxes. There are advantages and disadvantages to both.
In this blog post, we’ll explore the differences between dividends and wages, and help you decide which is better for you.
Dividends are payments made to shareholders of a company out of its profits. The amount you receive depends on the number of share...
CRA’s Interest Rate on Overdue Taxes Increases to 10% —What It Means
Have you heard the latest news from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)? In 2024, it’s planning to bump up an already climbing interest rate on overdue taxes to 10%. This is a huge leap from previous years, and it’s shaking up things for everyone—businesses, individuals, and even tax pros.
What does this mean and how could this change impact your tax planning? Keep reading to find out how you can mitigate the interest rate hike with savvy tax strategies and by taking advantage of online services ...
Overcoming Anxiety and Depression in Midlife: Tips for Embracing Change
Five tips to embrace change that help with shifting priorities in midlife.
Freeing the Butterfly Chapter 1: Recognizing You're Stuck
This is a book I co-authored with Josie Myers.
What are debits and credits?
This was a recent project I completed as a ghostwriter for the Sage Advice US blog. Demystify accounting fundamentals with this comprehensive guide to debits and credits, their roles in transactions, and the double-entry system.
The Tax Consequences of Passive Income in a Canadian Corporation
Do you have passive income in your Canadian corporation? If so, you need to be aware that it is taxed differently than active business income. Income from investments and property can impact your small business deduction. This, in turn, impacts the amount of tax you pay in your corporation.
In this post, you’ll learn what passive income is and the impact it has on the small business deduction.
What is passive income?
Passive income is any type of income that is not earned from active work. Th...
Numbers & Sense Q2, 2024
On page 12, I wrote a magazine article regarding the state of bookkeeping in Canada.
SBA 7(a) vs. 504 Loan: Which Is Right For You?
Learn the differences between the SBA's 7(a) and 504 loans and which one is right for you.
Midlife Transformation: How to Navigate Life's Transitions with Grace
Tips for women in midlife navigating life's changes.
Your Online Advisor Providing Services to Help You Grow Effortlessly
I wrote the website copy for ZTX Advisors as a freelancer working for Leaders Online. My contribution included copy for the Home, About, and Services pages.
The Business Accountant: Can They Help You Manage Your Money?
Every business owner knows that cash flow is key to a successful company. But keeping track of your finances can be daunting, especially if you’re not familiar with accounting terms and concepts. That’s where a business accountant comes in. They can help you manage your money and keep your business on track financially.
In this blog post, we’ll discuss the benefits of working with a business accountant and how they can help you manage your cash flow.
What is cash flow?
Cash flow is the moveme...